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Short - March 2019


UPM/Line Producer

Working on this provided the great challenge of filming entirely at night. Originally we had decided to shoot street side, but due to distraction, noise, and street lights, I had to scout out a new location the day of, the parking garage you see in the film. The decision paid dividends. As our shooting schedule pushed towards the sunrise, the enclosed nature and harsh yellow lights of the garage allowed us to continue with little to no harm to the final shots allowing the crew to finish their jobs easily.


In another case, shooting took place in a motel style residential apartment complex. I had to coordinate a team of PA's to direct the flow of traffic away from the set while also managing the crew on a Saturday night in the middle of the West Campus neighborhood of Austin.

The biggest takeaway from this project was the importance of communicating the difficulties of the script/vision to the relevant crew members. We were lucky to have so many good alternatives at when we needed them, but I know that this won't always be the case

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